Dear Parents,
I am thinking about you and your families during these difficult times.
We recognize that this past week has been particularly demanding on parents both in finding suitable alternative childcare, and in additional financial challenges for many of you.
Earlier this week, we outlined a plan for crediting families for childcare fees during the closure. After careful consideration, All About Kids will be offering a credit in the amount of 70% for closure dates between March 16 to April 5, 2020. Credits will be applied on April invoices. Families will have the opportunity to provide payments upon their return, up to Thursday, April 9, without incurring late fees.
We are continuing to monitor the situation, and hope funding will become available. Should the government provide any form of subsidies, we will recalculate fees to ensure any new credits are applied to your account.
We will be reaching out to you again prior to our reopening; a day we look forward to with great anticipation. In the meantime, please know that we are thinking about you and your families, we miss you, and urge you all to take care of each other and be safe!
Carol Norton
Owner/Operator of All About Kids