Infant Program

0 to 18 months

The infant program at All About Kids is full of fun and games because play is the best way for babies to learn!

Babies explore the world through play, by looking, listening and copying those around them. Our infant program offers children consistency and a sensible routine that provides time for quiet play, active play, group activities, free play and exploration.

Programmed activities such as “Circle Time” cover all developmental areas including cognitive, language, math/science, fine and gross motor. This special time is spent singing, talking, touching, moving and it is through this type of play that a baby’s language develops.

During free play times, caregivers are encouraged to watch, not interrupt and follow the pace of the infant. As the children find things they are interested in, caregivers interact and encourage the child’s interest in that activity.

Above all else, our caregivers are warm and responsive to each child’s needs. Emotional development at this age is based on establishing a sense of trust in their environment and their caregiver.

The chart below describes developmental areas of our infant program and some of the exercises we use to strengthen them.

Area Activities & Exercises
Language Arts • Circle time
• Sound recognition
• Repetition, rhyming games
• Story time and finger plays
• Sign language
• Sing Songs
Fine & Gross Motor • Large knob puzzles and nesting activities
• Movement to music, clapping and jumping songs and activities
• Playing games with balls and blocks
• Finger painting
Sensory • Texture boards
• Touchy feely bags
• Temperature - warm & cool
• Sensory bins, water, rice
Math & Science • Counting games & songs
• Shapes & sorting
• Colours
• Stacking objects
• Object permanence

As part of our security policy, our centres are closed to the public. If you are interested in visiting one of our locations, we would be happy to book a tour with you. We also accept online childcare registrations at all of our childcare locations.

Head Office:
All About Kids
17 Cornell Meadows Avenue, Units 1-3
Markham ON  L6B 1B6

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